Check Spelling in Your Code While You Type in Xcode
Just wondering if there is a way to enable spell checking in Xcode.😳

Xcode finally adds the long-awaited support for spell checking. It works natively, without any extensions, framework and third-parties.
Basically, everything inside your source editor can be spell checked: names of variables, methods and classes, string literals (including your localizable strings) and comments.
Here is how to use spell checking with Xcode
“⌘ + ;” to find next misspelled word. Works for code, strings and comments:

“⌘ +Shift+ :” to show spelling editor with corrections.

Always-enabled mode: from the menu open Edit > Format > Spelling and Grammar > Check Spelling While Typing.
I watched video on youtube created by @Sean Allen -:
Thanks for reading 🙌🏼
Hope you enjoyed 👍🏻